Notice: Undefined variable: language in /var/www/bella-2020/apps/frontend/lib/SwitchLanguageFilter.class.php on line 387
Ultracienkie podpaski Bella zapewniają skuteczną ochronę i są niezauważalne nawet przy bardzo dopasowanym ubraniu. W całej gamie ultracienkich podpasek Bella znajdziesz produkty dla każdej skóry, nawet tej najbardziej wrażliwej i skłonnej do alergii. Przekonaj się sama i wybierz: Bella Ideale, Bella Perfecta, Bella Medica lub Bella Perfecta Pure.
dowiedz się więcejPodpaski klasyczne bella - te, które znasz od lat. Teraz w nowych opakowaniach! Wiele kobiet ceniących komfort i bezpieczeństwo wybiera podpaski bella o klasycznej grubości. Podpaski z tej linii znajdziesz w wariantach ze skrzydełkami i bez.
dowiedz się więcejPoznaj podpaski Bella wzbogacone ziołami. Są one niezwykle delikatne dla skóry i bardzo chłonne. Zostały wzbogacone ziołami po to, by pozytywnie wpłynąć na delikatną skórę okolic intymnych. Podpaski z ekstraktem z werbeny i kwiatów lipy mają delikatny zapach. Kobietom, które preferują wersje nieperfumowane, polecamy podpaski z wyciągiem z aloesu.
dowiedz się więcejTampony Bella bez aplikatora to propozycja dla aktywnych, ceniących pełną swobodę kobiet. W zależności od intensywności krwawienia miesiączkowego i preferencji, wybierz wersję od mini do super plus. Tampony Bella są bezpieczne, chłonne i wygodne w użyciu. Przekonaj się sama!
dowiedz się więcejDo zadań specjalnych i na co dzień. Komfortowy i pojemny. Brzmi jak idealny produkt dla Ciebie? Kubeczek menstruacyjny my bella został wykonany z bezpiecznego silikonu medycznego, a dołączony do niego specjalny pojemnik ułatwi Ci czyszczenie i przechowywanie w czasie miesiączki i po jej zakończeniu.
dowiedz się więcejKomfort i pewność siebie w każdym wydaniu... nawet w zwiewnej sukience czy piżamie. Jeśli marzysz o produkcie wygodnym jak ulubione dresy, ale idealnie dopasowanym do ciała, to już go znalazłaś. Majtki menstruacyjne my bella doskonale sprawdzają się w ciągu dnia i w nocy, zarówno podczas spokojnego funkcjonowania, jak i w czasie aktywności fizycznej.
dowiedz się więcejKażda z nas chce się czuć świeżo i pewnie. Ultracienkie wkładki higieniczne Bella to świetny wybór. Zapewniają skuteczną ochronę i gwarantują wygodę stosowania każdego dnia. Możesz wybrać produkty o różnych rozmiarach, bez aromatu, w wersjach zapachowych, a także takie, które doskonale dostosują się do każdego fasonu bielizny.
dowiedz się więcejKlasyczne wkładki higieniczne bella panty to prosty wybór każdego dnia. Są miękkie, zapewniają poczucie świeżości, skutecznie chroniąc Twoją bieliznę. Dopasuj produkt do Twoich potrzeb, czuj się pewnie i komfortowo!
dowiedz się więcejChcesz czuć się świeżo i jednocześnie dbać o skórę miejsc intymnych? Wkładki higieniczne z wyciągiem z ziół są oddychające, neutralizują nieprzyjemny zapach. Występują w wariancie zapachowym i nieperfumowanym.
dowiedz się więcejWybierasz produkty przyjazne dla Ciebie i środowiska? Delikatne wkładki higieniczne Bella z bawełną organiczną zapewnią ochronę bielizny i sprawią, że będziesz się czuła pewnie i świeżo każdego dnia.
dowiedz się więcejEkologiczne podpaski ultracienkie, pokryte delikatną dla skóry włókniną bambusową. Bardzo dobrze chłoną wilgoć i chronią bieliznę przed zabrudzeniem. Osłonki boczne o dużej powierzchni zapewniają doskonałe mocowanie do bielizny. Dzięki perforacji we włókninie wierzchniej ciecz szybko przenika do wkładu chłonnego. Specjalna budowa wkładu chłonnego usprawnia równomierne rozprowadzanie cieczy ukierunkowując ją wzdłuż wyrobu. Wykorzystując w produktach bella BiO based technologię opartą na surowcach odnawialnych naturalnego pochodzenia, oszczędzamy nieodnawialne zasoby naszej planety.
dowiedz się więcejEkologiczne wkładki w 100% pokryte bambusem są bardzo cienkie i doskonale dopasowują się do bielizny, dzięki czemu sprawdzają się w sytuacjach, gdy potrzebujesz dyskretnej ochrony. Miłe w dotyku pokrycie bambusowe jest przyjazne nawet dla wrażliwej skóry. Wykorzystując w produktach bella BiO based technologię opartą na surowcach odnawialnych naturalnego pochodzenia, oszczędzamy nieodnawialne zasoby naszej planety.
dowiedz się więcejUłatwiają pielęgnację skóry i codzienny demakijaż. W Twojej kosmetyczce nie może zabraknąć płatków, wacików i patyczków kosmetycznych. Sprawdź szeroką ofertę produktów bawełnianych marki Bella!
dowiedz się więcejCodzienne używamy produktów takich jak płatki kosmetyczne czy patyczki. W trosce o Twoją skórę i środowisko naturalne stworzyliśmy linię produktów z bawełny organicznej. Produkty bawełniane BIO pakowane w przyjazne środowisku opakowania - kartoniki papierowe bądź woreczki ze specjalnej folii, która w ponad 90% składa się z surowców pochodzących z odnawialnych źródeł. Postaw na BIO rozwiązania.
dowiedz się więcejNietrzymanie moczu to problem, który dotyka wielu kobiet. Wkładki urologiczne zostały zaprojektowane tak, by maksymalnie chronić, a jednocześnie zapewnić pełną dyskrecję stosowania. W ofercie wkładek urologicznych Bella Control Discreet znajdziesz zarówno produkty w wersji micro polecane przy kropelkowym nietrzymaniu moczu, jak i plus, zalecane przy średniej inkontynencji.
dowiedz się więcejInkontynencja nie musi oznaczać rezygnacji z aktywnego stylu życia. Majtki chłonne stosuje się zamiast bielizny. Zapewniają one ochronę przy średnim i ciężkim nietrzymaniu moczu. Zapobiegają wyciekom i są bardzo delikatne dla skóry.
dowiedz się więcejWłaściwa higiena i codzienna pielęgnacja miejsc intymnych to podstawa. Wszystkie płyny do higieny intymnej Bella zawierają kwas mlekowy, który pomaga dbać o właściwe pH okolic intymnych, co jest niezwykle ważne z punktu widzenia profilaktyki infekcji intymnych.
dowiedz się więcejW pracy, podróży czy w domu - chusteczki nasączone to praktyczne i wygodne rozwiązanie w różnych sytuacjach. Szeroka gama delikatnie nasączonych chusteczek o różnych zastosowaniach: do demakijażu, chusteczek odświeżających oraz do pielęgnacji i higieny okolic intymnych. W ofercie Bella znalazły się także chusteczki do higieny intymnej odpowiednie dla osób z wrażliwą skórą czy z problemem nietrzymania moczu.
dowiedz się więcejJeśli chcesz wiedzieć, kiedy przypadają Twoje dni płodne, dokładnie obserwuj swoje ciało. Aby precyzyjnie je wyznaczyć, powinnaś znać średnią długość ma Twojego cyklu miesiączkowego oraz ile dni trwała Twoja ostatnia miesiączka.
dowiedz się więcejNa miesiączkę warto się przygotować. Aby obliczyć, kiedy się pojawi należy uwzględnić średnią długość cyklu oraz datę rozpoczęcia i długość ostatniej miesiączki.
dowiedz się więcejto darmowa aplikacja mobilna, która pozwoli Ci na lepszą kontrolę Twojego cyklu.
dowiedz się więcejNa opakowaniach produktów, takich jak podpaski, wkładki higieniczne, tampony możecie zauważyć oznakowanie:
Ma ono w jasny sposób wskazywać, gdzie powinny trafiać zużyte wyroby higieniczne oraz obrazować jakie konsekwencje niesie ze sobą ich nieprawidłowa utylizacja.
Dzięki odpowiedniej segregacji przyczyniamy się do zmniejszenia ilości odpadów produktów higienicznych wyrzucanych do toalet i w konsekwencji trafiających do mórz i oceanów.
dowiedz się więcejPoznaj nową linię ultracienkich i wyjątkowo elastycznych wkładek Bella Panty Ultra.
dowiedz się więcejto darmowa aplikacja mobilna, która pozwoli Ci na lepszą kontrolę Twojego cyklu.
dowiedz się więcejKorzystamy z danych lub plików cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, w celu personalizacji i poprawy wygody korzystania z naszej strony, analizy aktywności na stronie co pomaga wspierać nasze działania marketingowe i sprzedażowe, wyświetlania spersonalizowanych reklam w oparciu o informacje na temat Twoich zainteresowań (obejmujące Twoją aktywność na naszej stronie lub w innych witrynach) oraz Twojej lokalizacji. Poniżej możesz zmienić ustawienia przeglądarki, by blokować niektóre lub wszystkie pliki cookie.
1. Serwis nie zbiera w sposób automatyczny żadnych informacji, z wyjątkiem informacji zawartych w plikach cookies.
2. Pliki cookies (tzw. „ciasteczka”) stanowią dane informatyczne, w szczególności pliki tekstowe, które przechowywane są w urządzeniu końcowym Użytkownika Serwisu i przeznaczone są do korzystania ze stron internetowych Serwisu. Cookies zazwyczaj zawierają nazwę strony internetowej, z której pochodzą, czas przechowywania ich na urządzeniu końcowym oraz unikalny numer.
3. Podmiotem zamieszczającym na urządzeniu końcowym Użytkownika Serwisu pliki cookies oraz uzyskującym do nich dostęp jest operator Serwisu TZMO SA z siedzibą pod adresem ul. Żółkiewskiego 20/16 87-100 Toruń
4. Pliki cookies wykorzystywane są w celu:
a) dostosowania zawartości stron internetowych Serwisu do preferencji Użytkownika oraz optymalizacji korzystania ze stron internetowych; w szczególności pliki te pozwalają rozpoznać urządzenie Użytkownika Serwisu i odpowiednio wyświetlić stronę internetową, dostosowaną do jego indywidualnych potrzeb;
b) tworzenia statystyk, które pomagają zrozumieć, w jaki sposób Użytkownicy Serwisu korzystają ze stron internetowych, co umożliwia ulepszanie ich struktury i zawartości;
5. W ramach Serwisu stosowane są dwa zasadnicze rodzaje plików cookies: „sesyjne” (session cookies) oraz „stałe” (persistent cookies). Cookies „sesyjne” są plikami tymczasowymi, które przechowywane są w urządzeniu końcowym Użytkownika do czasu wylogowania, opuszczenia strony internetowej lub wyłączenia oprogramowania (przeglądarki internetowej). „Stałe” pliki cookies przechowywane są w urządzeniu końcowym Użytkownika przez czas określony w parametrach plików cookies lub do czasu ich usunięcia przez Użytkownika.
6. W ramach Serwisu stosowane są następujące rodzaje plików cookies:
Nazwa | Domena | Typ | Czas trwania |
YSC | | Advertisement | session |
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | | Advertisement | 5 months 27 days |
_fbp | | Advertisement | 3 months |
yt-remote-device-id | | Advertisement | never |
yt-remote-connected-devices | | Advertisement | never |
CONSENT | | Analytics | 2 years |
symfony | | Other | session |
__utma | | Performance | 2 years |
__utmc | | Performance | session |
__utmz | | Performance | 6 months |
__utmt | | Performance | 10 minutes |
__utmb | | Performance | 30 minutes |
7. W wielu przypadkach oprogramowanie służące do przeglądania stron internetowych (przeglądarka internetowa) domyślnie dopuszcza przechowywanie plików cookies w urządzeniu końcowym Użytkownika. Użytkownicy Serwisu mogą dokonać w każdym czasie zmiany ustawień dotyczących plików cookies. Ustawienia te mogą zostać zmienione w szczególności w taki sposób, aby blokować automatyczną obsługę plików cookies w ustawieniach przeglądarki internetowej bądź informować o ich każdorazowym zamieszczeniu w urządzeniu Użytkownika Serwisu. Szczegółowe informacje o możliwości i sposobach obsługi plików cookies dostępne są w ustawieniach oprogramowania (przeglądarki internetowej).
8. Operator Serwisu informuje, że ograniczenia stosowania plików cookies mogą wpłynąć na niektóre funkcjonalności dostępne na stronach internetowych Serwisu.
źródła informacji:
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(Doctrine_Collection)No parameters were passed to this template.
(Doctrine_Collection)No parameters were passed to this template.
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9 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_update" (/guard/users/:id.:sf_format) |
10 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_delete" (/guard/users/:id.:sf_format) |
11 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_show" (/guard/users/:id.:sf_format) |
12 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_object" (/guard/users/:id/:action.:sf_format) |
13 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_collection" (/guard/users/:action/action.:sf_format) |
14 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_forgot_password" (/guard/forgot_password) |
15 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_forgot_password_change" (/guard/forgot_password/:unique_key) |
16 | sfPatternRouting | Match route "localized_homepage" (/:sf_culture) for /pl_PL with parameters array ( 'module' => 'home', 'action' => 'index', 'sf_culture' => 'pl_PL',) |
17 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" |
18 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "SwitchLanguageFilter" |
19 | Doctrine_Connection_Mysql | exec : SET NAMES 'UTF8' - () |
20 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, AS l__country, AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = ?) - (1) |
21 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" |
22 | homeActions | Call "homeActions->executeIndex()" |
23 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, AS l__country, AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = ?) - (1) |
24 | sfPHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/home/templates/indexSuccess.php" |
25 | main | Call "banner->executeBanner()" |
26 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS b__id, AS b__author, b.lang AS b__lang, b.type AS b__type, AS b__name, b.text AS b__text, b.url AS b__url, b.status AS b__status, b.current_at AS b__current_at, b.current_to AS b__current_to, b.image_mobile AS b__image_mobile, b.image AS b__image, b.created_at AS b__created_at, b.updated_at AS b__updated_at FROM banner b WHERE (b.status = ? AND b.lang = ? AND b.current_at < NOW() AND (b.current_to > NOW() OR b.current_to IS NULL)) ORDER BY b.current_at DESC - (1, pl_PL) |
27 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/banner/templates/_banner.php" |
28 | main | Call "product->executeFilters()" |
29 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_filters.php" |
30 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-ultracienkie) |
31 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-ultracienkie) |
32 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
33 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-ultracienkie) |
34 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
35 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
36 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-ultracienkie) |
37 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
38 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
39 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-ultracienkie) |
40 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
41 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
42 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-ultracienkie) |
43 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
44 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-klasyczne) |
45 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
46 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-klasyczne) |
47 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
48 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
49 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-klasyczne) |
50 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
51 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
52 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-klasyczne) |
53 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
54 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
55 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-klasyczne) |
56 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
57 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-wzbogacone-ziolami) |
58 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
59 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-wzbogacone-ziolami) |
60 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
61 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
62 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-wzbogacone-ziolami) |
63 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
64 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
65 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-wzbogacone-ziolami) |
66 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
67 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
68 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-wzbogacone-ziolami) |
69 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
70 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-dla-nastolatek) |
71 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (tampony) |
72 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
73 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (tampony) |
74 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
75 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
76 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (tampony) |
77 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
78 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
79 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (tampony) |
80 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
81 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
82 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (tampony) |
83 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
84 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-ultracienkie) |
85 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-ultracienkie) |
86 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
87 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-ultracienkie) |
88 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
89 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
90 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-ultracienkie) |
91 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
92 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
93 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-ultracienkie) |
94 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
95 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
96 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-ultracienkie) |
97 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
98 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-klasyczne) |
99 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
100 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-klasyczne) |
101 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
102 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
103 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-klasyczne) |
104 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
105 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
106 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-klasyczne) |
107 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
108 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
109 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-klasyczne) |
110 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
111 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-wzbogacone-ziolami) |
112 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
113 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-wzbogacone-ziolami) |
114 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
115 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
116 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-wzbogacone-ziolami) |
117 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
118 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
119 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-wzbogacone-ziolami) |
120 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
121 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
122 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-wzbogacone-ziolami) |
123 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
124 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-dla-nastolatek) |
125 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-z-bawelna-organiczna) |
126 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
127 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-z-bawelna-organiczna) |
128 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
129 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
130 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-z-bawelna-organiczna) |
131 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
132 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
133 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-z-bawelna-organiczna) |
134 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
135 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
136 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-z-bawelna-organiczna) |
137 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
138 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-bella-bio-based) |
139 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-bella-bio-based) |
140 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
141 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-bella-bio-based) |
142 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
143 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
144 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-bella-bio-based) |
145 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
146 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
147 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-bella-bio-based) |
148 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
149 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
150 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (podpaski-bella-bio-based) |
151 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
152 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-bella-bio-based) |
153 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
154 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-bella-bio-based) |
155 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
156 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
157 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-bella-bio-based) |
158 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
159 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
160 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-bella-bio-based) |
161 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
162 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
163 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-bella-bio-based) |
164 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
165 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (produkty-papierowe) |
166 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (produkty-bawelniane) |
167 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
168 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (produkty-bawelniane) |
169 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
170 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
171 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (produkty-bawelniane) |
172 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
173 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
174 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (produkty-bawelniane) |
175 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
176 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
177 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (produkty-bawelniane) |
178 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
179 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (produkty-bawelniane-bio) |
180 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
181 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (produkty-bawelniane-bio) |
182 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
183 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
184 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (produkty-bawelniane-bio) |
185 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
186 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
187 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (produkty-bawelniane-bio) |
188 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
189 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
190 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (produkty-bawelniane-bio) |
191 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
192 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (majtki-chlonne) |
193 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-urologiczne) |
194 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
195 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-urologiczne) |
196 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
197 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
198 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-urologiczne) |
199 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
200 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
201 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-urologiczne) |
202 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
203 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
204 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (wkladki-urologiczne) |
205 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
206 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (majtki-chlonne) |
207 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
208 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (majtki-chlonne) |
209 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
210 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
211 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (majtki-chlonne) |
212 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
213 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
214 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (majtki-chlonne) |
215 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
216 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
217 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (majtki-chlonne) |
218 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
219 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (higiena-intymna) |
220 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (higiena-intymna) |
221 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
222 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (higiena-intymna) |
223 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
224 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
225 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (higiena-intymna) |
226 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
227 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
228 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (higiena-intymna) |
229 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
230 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
231 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (higiena-intymna) |
232 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
233 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (chusteczki-nasaczone) |
234 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
235 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (chusteczki-nasaczone) |
236 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
237 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
238 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (chusteczki-nasaczone) |
239 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
240 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeDesc()" |
241 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (chusteczki-nasaczone) |
242 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeDesc.php" |
243 | main | Call "product->executeProductTypeUrl()" |
244 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (chusteczki-nasaczone) |
245 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productTypeUrl.php" |
246 | main | Call "widgety->executeCalculator()" |
247 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_calculator.php" |
248 | main | Call "widgety->executeApp()" |
249 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_app.php" |
250 | main | Call "widgety->executeAdvice()" |
251 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = ? AND c.lang = ?) - (10, pl_PL) |
252 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = ? AND IN (?, ?, ?)) ORDER BY FIELD(, 894, 895, 896) - (1, 894, 895, 896) |
253 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_advice.php" |
254 | sfPHPView | Decorate content with "sf_app_dir/templates/layout.php" |
255 | sfPHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/layout.php" |
256 | main | Get slot "og:url" |
257 | main | Get slot "og:title" |
258 | main | Get slot "og:image" |
259 | main | Get slot "og:image:width" |
260 | main | Get slot "og:image:height" |
261 | main | Get slot "og:description" |
262 | main | Call "cookies->executeStatisticCookies()" |
263 | main | Call "cookies->executeMarketingCookies()" |
264 | main | Call "cookies->executePersonalizationCookies()" |
265 | main | Call "cookies->executeStatisticCookiesInBody()" |
266 | main | Call "cookies->executeMarketingCookiesInBody()" |
267 | main | Call "widgety->executeTop()" |
268 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_top.php" |
269 | main | Call "lang->executeChooseLanguage()" |
270 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, AS l__country, AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = ?) - (1) |
271 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/lang/templates/_chooseLanguage.php" |
272 | main | Call "widgety->executeFooter()" |
273 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lang = ? AND c.type = ?) LIMIT 1 - (pl_PL, 3) |
274 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE ((c.lft > ? AND c.rgt < ?) AND c.level <= ? AND c.root_id = ?) ORDER BY c.lft asc - (64, 83, 2, 1) |
275 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, c.lang AS c__lang, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.ancestor AS c__ancestor, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.image AS c__image, c.image2 AS c__image2, c.promoted AS c__promoted, c.content AS c__content, c.title AS c__title, c.content_type AS c__content_type, c.description AS c__description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.user AS c__user, c.published_by AS c__published_by, c.todo AS c__todo, c.search_keywords AS c__search_keywords, c.publish_me AS c__publish_me, c.template AS c__template, c.date_start AS c__date_start, c.date_stop_unlimited AS c__date_stop_unlimited, c.date_stop AS c__date_stop, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.filter_type AS c__filter_type, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, c.slug AS c__slug, c.version AS c__version, c.status AS c__status, c2.category_id AS c2__category_id, c2.content_id AS c2__content_id FROM content c LEFT JOIN category_content c2 ON = c2.content_id WHERE (c2.category_id IN (?)) - (21) |
276 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = ? AND c.lang = ?) - (10, pl_PL) |
277 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_footer.php" |
278 | main | Call "product->executeProductsBrandMenu()" |
279 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = ? AND c.lang = ?) - (11, pl_PL) |
280 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = ? AND IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) ORDER BY FIELD(, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898) - (1, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898) |
281 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productsBrandMenu.php" |
282 | main | Call "product->executeProductsTypeMenu()" |
283 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.status = ? AND p.lang = ?) ORDER BY p.position ASC - (1, pl_PL) |
284 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productsTypeMenu.php" |
285 | main | Call "product->executeFilters()" |
286 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_filters.php" |
287 | main | Call "widgety->executeMainMenu()" |
288 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lang = ? AND c.level = ? AND c.is_public = ?) ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1 - (pl_PL, 0, 1) |
289 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE ((c.lft > ? AND c.rgt < ?) AND c.level <= ? AND c.root_id = ?) ORDER BY c.lft asc - (1, 84, 1, 1) |
290 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.redirect_url_internal LIKE ? AND c.lang = ?) - (@home%, pl_PL) |
291 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_mainMenu.php" |
292 | main | Call "product->executeProductsBrandMenu()" |
293 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = ? AND c.lang = ?) - (11, pl_PL) |
294 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = ? AND IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) ORDER BY FIELD(, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898) - (1, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898) |
295 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productsBrandMenu.php" |
296 | main | Call "product->executeProductsTypeMenu()" |
297 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.status = ? AND p.lang = ?) ORDER BY p.position ASC - (1, pl_PL) |
298 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productsTypeMenu.php" |
299 | main | Call "widgety->executeApp()" |
300 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_app.php" |
301 | main | Call "widgety->executeAdvice()" |
302 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = ? AND c.lang = ?) - (10, pl_PL) |
303 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = ? AND IN (?, ?, ?)) ORDER BY FIELD(, 894, 895, 896) - (1, 894, 895, 896) |
304 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_advice.php" |
305 | main | Call "home->executeCookies()" |
306 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/home/templates/_cookies.php" |
307 | main | Call "cookies->executePopup()" |
308 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/cookies/templates/_popup.php" |
309 | main | Get slot "legal-info-footer" |
310 | sfWebResponse | Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" |
311 | sfWebResponse | Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" |
type | calls | time (ms) | time (%) |
Configuration | 98 | 65.27 | 16 |
Factories | 1 | 27.53 | 6 |
Database (Doctrine) | 110 | 0.13 | 0 |
Action "home/index" | 1 | 4.29 | 1 |
View "Success" for "home/index" | 1 | 313.43 | 78 |
Component "banner/banner" | 1 | 2.41 | 0 |
Partial "banner/_banner" | 1 | 0.28 | 0 |
Component "product/filters" | 2 | 0.01 | 0 |
Partial "product/_filters" | 2 | 1.30 | 0 |
Component "product/productTypeUrl" | 48 | 73.21 | 18 |
Partial "product/_productTypeUrl" | 48 | 9.73 | 2 |
Component "product/productTypeDesc" | 16 | 24.02 | 6 |
Partial "product/_productTypeDesc" | 16 | 2.79 | 0 |
Component "widgety/calculator" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Partial "widgety/_calculator" | 1 | 0.28 | 0 |
Component "widgety/app" | 2 | 0.01 | 0 |
Partial "widgety/_app" | 2 | 0.43 | 0 |
Component "widgety/advice" | 2 | 9.68 | 2 |
Partial "widgety/_advice" | 2 | 1.14 | 0 |
Component "cookies/statisticCookies" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Component "cookies/marketingCookies" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Component "cookies/personalizationCookies" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Component "cookies/statisticCookiesInBody" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Component "cookies/marketingCookiesInBody" | 1 | 0.02 | 0 |
Component "widgety/top" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Partial "widgety/_top" | 1 | 2.87 | 0 |
Component "lang/chooseLanguage" | 1 | 1.75 | 0 |
Partial "lang/_chooseLanguage" | 1 | 0.44 | 0 |
Component "widgety/footer" | 1 | 76.12 | 19 |
Partial "widgety/_footer" | 1 | 23.47 | 5 |
Component "product/productsBrandMenu" | 2 | 20.45 | 5 |
Partial "product/_productsBrandMenu" | 2 | 4.87 | 1 |
Component "product/productsTypeMenu" | 2 | 6.57 | 1 |
Partial "product/_productsTypeMenu" | 2 | 3.24 | 0 |
Component "widgety/mainMenu" | 1 | 6.28 | 1 |
Partial "widgety/_mainMenu" | 1 | 21.30 | 5 |
Component "home/cookies" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Partial "home/_cookies" | 1 | 0.14 | 0 |
Component "cookies/popup" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Partial "cookies/_popup" | 1 | 0.45 | 0 |
SELECT AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, AS l__country, AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = '1')
SELECT AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, AS l__country, AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = '1')
SELECT AS b__id, AS b__author, b.lang AS b__lang, b.type AS b__type, AS b__name, b.text AS b__text, b.url AS b__url, b.status AS b__status, b.current_at AS b__current_at, b.current_to AS b__current_to, b.image_mobile AS b__image_mobile, b.image AS b__image, b.created_at AS b__created_at, b.updated_at AS b__updated_at FROM banner b WHERE (b.status = '1' AND b.lang = 'pl_PL' AND b.current_at < NOW() AND (b.current_to > NOW() OR b.current_to IS NULL)) ORDER BY b.current_at DESC
SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = 'podpaski-ultracienkie') LIMIT 1
SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = 'podpaski-ultracienkie') LIMIT 1
SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = 'podpaski-ultracienkie') LIMIT 1
SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = 'podpaski-ultracienkie') LIMIT 1
SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = 'podpaski-ultracienkie') LIMIT 1
SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = 'podpaski-ultracienkie') LIMIT 1
SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = 'podpaski-klasyczne') LIMIT 1
SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.slug = 'podpaski-klasyczne') LIMIT 1
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