Komfortowy, elastyczny, pojemny, a na dodatek wielorazowy...
Brzmi, jak idealna odpowiedź na Twoje menstruacyjne potrzeby?
Poznaj zalety kubeczka my bella.
Notice: Undefined variable: language in /var/www/bella-2020/apps/frontend/lib/SwitchLanguageFilter.class.php on line 387
Komfortowy, elastyczny, pojemny, a na dodatek wielorazowy...
Brzmi, jak idealna odpowiedź na Twoje menstruacyjne potrzeby?
Poznaj zalety kubeczka my bella.
wykonany z silikonu medycznego - nie podrażnia i nie uczula
elastyczny, łatwy w aplikacji
przyjazny dla portfela i środowiska
łatwa higiena i przechowywanie w specjalnym pojemniku
Ściśnij ścianki kubeczka palcami tak, aby jego brzegi złożyły się w kształt litery C lub w złożenie typu muszelka (punch down).
Przed aplikacją kubeczka zadbaj o komfortową dla siebie pozycję. Złożony kubeczek wsuń do pochwy. Po zwolnieniu uścisku otworzy się, przylegając do jej ścianek. Możesz delikatnie przesunąć palcem po krawędzi, aby to sprawdzić.
Ściśnij podstawę kubeczka i odchyl go palcem od ścian szyjki, aby usunąć podciśnienie. Następnie delikatnie wysuń kubeczek, a jego zawartość wylej do toalety.
Kubeczek opróżnij, opłucz wodą lub wyczyść, na przykład chusteczkami intymnymi bella. I używaj ponownie! Pamiętaj, że przed pierwszym i po ostatnim użyciu w trakcie cyklu musisz dokonać sanityzacji, najlepiej w stworzonym do tego pojemniku my bella.
Włóż kubeczek do pojemnika i napełnij go wodą. Umieść go bez pokrywki w kuchence mikrofalowej o mocy 850 watów na 5 minut. I gotowe! Wyjmij ostrożnie. Możesz też wyparzyć kubeczek we wrzącej wodzie przez około 3 minuty.
Za sprawą pojemnika mycie kubeczka menstruacyjnego potrwa zaledwie kilka sekund. Umieść kubeczek w pojemniku. Wlej ciepłą lub zimną wodę, zakręć pojemnik i potrząsaj nim energicznie przez kilka sekund. Teraz możesz już korzystać z kubeczka.
Korzystaj z pojemnika w domu i poza nim, na przykład przenosząc kubeczek w torebce lub w bagażu podczas podróży.
Włóż kubeczek do pojemnika, napełnij go wodą i zamknij, nie dociskając pokrywki do końca. Umieść w kuchence mikrofalowej nastawionej na moc 850 watów na 5 minut. I gotowe! Wyjmij ostrożnie.
Za sprawą pojemnika mycie kubeczka menstruacyjnego potrwa zaledwie kilka sekund. Umieść kubeczek w pojemniku. Wlej ciepłą lub zimną wodę, zakręć pojemnik i potrząsaj nim energicznie przez kilka sekund. Teraz możesz już korzystać z kubeczka.
Korzystaj z pojemnika w domu i poza nim, na przykład przenosząc kubeczek w torebce lub w bagażu podczas podróży.
menstrual cup
+cleaner case
menstrual cup
+cleaner case
menstrual cup
+cleaner case
Tak, z kubeczka można korzystać nawet do 12 godzin, zarówno w dzień, jak i w nocy, także w pozycji leżącej. Pamiętaj jedynie, by opróżnić go tuż przed snem i zaraz po przebudzeniu.
Prawidłowo założony kubeczek menstruacyjny nie powinien przeciekać. Jeśli zdarzy się taka sytuacja, należy zastanowić się nad jej powodami. Najczęściej przyczyną jest źle dobrany rozmiar, nieodpowiednia aplikacja, wskutek której kubeczek nie rozłożył się prawidłowo, zablokowane otwory lub po prostu przepełnienie kubeczka.
Do opróżnienia i oczyszczenia kubeczka będziesz potrzebować wody lub chusteczek do higieny intymnej. Jeśli wykorzystasz pojemnik dołączony do kubeczka my bella, będzie to jeszcze łatwiejsze. Wlej wodę z kranu lub butelki do pojemnika, zamknij go i potrząsaj przez kilka sekund. To wystarczy - już możesz korzystać z kubeczka! Pamiętaj, by przed każdym użyciem umyć ręce.
Wszystko zależy od obfitości krwawienia. W przypadku bardzo obfitych miesiączek zaleca się opróżnianie kubeczka co 3 - 5 godzin. Gdy krwawienie jest mniej intensywne, możesz korzystać z niego nawet do 12 godzin. To jednak maksymalny czas - nie przekraczaj tej granicy, by nie narażać swojego zdrowia i prawidłowej higieny.
Nie ma żadnych przeciwwskazań do stosowania kubeczka podczas wysiłku fizycznego. Zalecamy natomiast opróżnianie go przed ćwiczeniami i tuż po ich zakończeniu. Pamiętaj, że jeśli obserwujesz przeciekanie podczas normalnego użytkowania, tym bardziej dojdzie do niego podczas wykonywania ćwiczeń.
Prawidłowo założony i odpowiednio dopasowany rozmiarem kubeczek nie wypadnie samoistnie. Pamiętaj, że podciśnienie, które się tworzy skutecznie przytrzymuje Twój kubeczek w pochwie. Zbyt mały kubeczek może się osunąć i sprawiać wrażenie, że wypadnie, ale jest to raczej mało prawdopodobne.
Nie jest to możliwe, choć przy niewyczuwalnym kubeczku możesz mieć takie wrażenie. Pamiętaj, że najważniejsze to się zrelaksować - stres działa na Twoją niekorzyść, gdyż dodatkowo napina mięśnie. Odpręż się i zacznij naprzemiennie napinać i rozluźniać mięśnie. Następnie ponownie złap podstawę kubeczka palcami i delikatnie naciśnij, żeby odessać jego brzegi od ścianek pochwy i usnąć podciśnienie.
Przed każdą miesiączką i po niej kubeczek należy poddać procesowi sanityzacji. Możesz to zrobić, wykorzystując dołączony pojemniczek my bella. Pojemniczek z kubeczkiem napełnij wodą i umieść go bez pokrywki w mikrofali o mocy 850 watów na 5 minut. Kubeczek możesz też wyparzyć we wrzącej wodzie przez około 3 minuty.
Poznaj nową linię ultracienkich i wyjątkowo elastycznych wkładek Bella Panty Ultra.
dowiedz się więcejto darmowa aplikacja mobilna, która pozwoli Ci na lepszą kontrolę Twojego cyklu.
dowiedz się więcejoptions: path_info_key: PATH_INFO path_info_array: SERVER http_port: null https_port: null default_format: null logging: '1' relative_url_root: null formats: { txt: text/plain, js: [application/javascript, application/x-javascript, text/javascript], css: text/css, json: [application/json, application/x-json], xml: [text/xml, application/xml, application/x-xml], rdf: application/rdf+xml, atom: application/atom+xml } no_script_name: false parameterHolder: action: kubeczki module: product sf_culture: pl_PL attributeHolder: sf_route: 'sfRoute Object()'
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php: 5.3.3 os: 'Linux s3.tzmo.clouvider.net 2.6.32-696.10.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Sep 12 14:33:29 UTC 2017 x86_64' extensions: 26: apache2handler 27: 'apc (3.1.9)' 7: bz2 8: calendar 0: 'Core (5.3.3)' 9: ctype 28: curl 1: 'date (5.3.3)' 29: 'dom (20031129)' 2: ereg 23: 'exif (1.4 $Id: exif.c 293036 2010-01-03 09:23:27Z sebastian $)' 30: 'fileinfo (1.0.5-dev)' 11: 'filter (0.11.0)' 12: ftp 31: gd 13: gettext 14: gmp 10: 'hash (1.0)' 16: iconv 32: imap 33: 'json (1.2.1)' 34: ldap 3: libxml 35: mbstring 36: mcrypt 37: 'mysql (1.0)' 38: 'mysqli (0.1)' 39: 'odbc (1.0)' 4: openssl 5: pcre 40: 'PDO (1.0.4dev)' 41: 'pdo_mysql (1.0.2)' 42: 'PDO_ODBC (1.0.1)' 43: 'pdo_sqlite (1.0.1)' 44: 'Phar (2.0.1)' 17: 'Reflection ($Revision: 300393 $)' 18: session 20: shmop 21: 'SimpleXML (0.1)' 45: snmp 46: soap 22: sockets 15: 'SPL (0.2)' 47: 'sqlite3 (0.7-dev)' 19: 'standard (5.3.3)' 48: 'tidy (2.0)' 24: 'tokenizer (0.1)' 49: wddx 25: xml 50: 'xmlreader (0.1)' 51: 'xmlrpc (0.51)' 52: 'xmlwriter (0.1)' 53: 'xsl (0.1)' 54: 'zip (1.9.1)' 6: 'zlib (1.1)'
version: 1.4.11 path: /var/www/bella-2020/lib/vendor/symfony/lib
No parameters were passed to this template.
(Doctrine_Collection)No parameters were passed to this template.
(boolean)# | type | message |
1 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_signin" (/guard/login) |
2 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_signout" (/guard/logout) |
3 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_filter" (/guard/users/filter.:sf_format) |
4 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_batch" (/guard/users/batch.:sf_format) |
5 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user" (/guard/users.:sf_format) |
6 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_new" (/guard/users/new.:sf_format) |
7 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_create" (/guard/users.:sf_format) |
8 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_edit" (/guard/users/:id/edit.:sf_format) |
9 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_update" (/guard/users/:id.:sf_format) |
10 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_delete" (/guard/users/:id.:sf_format) |
11 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_show" (/guard/users/:id.:sf_format) |
12 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_object" (/guard/users/:id/:action.:sf_format) |
13 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_collection" (/guard/users/:action/action.:sf_format) |
14 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_forgot_password" (/guard/forgot_password) |
15 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_forgot_password_change" (/guard/forgot_password/:unique_key) |
16 | sfPatternRouting | Match route "kubeczki" (/:sf_culture/kubeczki) for /pl_PL/kubeczki with parameters array ( 'module' => 'product', 'action' => 'kubeczki', 'sf_culture' => 'pl_PL',) |
17 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" |
18 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "SwitchLanguageFilter" |
19 | Doctrine_Connection_Mysql | exec : SET NAMES 'UTF8' - () |
20 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, l.country AS l__country, l.name AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = ?) - (1) |
21 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" |
22 | productActions | Call "productActions->executeKubeczki()" |
23 | productActions | Change layout to "kubeczki" |
24 | sfPHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/kubeczkiSuccess.php" |
25 | sfPHPView | Decorate content with "sf_app_dir/templates/kubeczki.php" |
26 | sfPHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/kubeczki.php" |
27 | main | Get slot "og:url" |
28 | main | Get slot "og:title" |
29 | main | Get slot "og:image" |
30 | main | Get slot "og:image:width" |
31 | main | Get slot "og:image:height" |
32 | main | Get slot "og:description" |
33 | main | Call "widgety->executeTop()" |
34 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_top.php" |
35 | main | Call "lang->executeChooseLanguage()" |
36 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, l.country AS l__country, l.name AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = ?) - (1) |
37 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/lang/templates/_chooseLanguage.php" |
38 | main | Call "widgety->executeFooter()" |
39 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lang = ? AND c.type = ?) LIMIT 1 - (pl_PL, 3) |
40 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE ((c.lft > ? AND c.rgt < ?) AND c.level <= ? AND c.root_id = ?) ORDER BY c.lft asc - (64, 83, 2, 1) |
41 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.lang AS c__lang, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.ancestor AS c__ancestor, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.image AS c__image, c.image2 AS c__image2, c.promoted AS c__promoted, c.content AS c__content, c.title AS c__title, c.content_type AS c__content_type, c.description AS c__description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.user AS c__user, c.published_by AS c__published_by, c.todo AS c__todo, c.search_keywords AS c__search_keywords, c.publish_me AS c__publish_me, c.template AS c__template, c.date_start AS c__date_start, c.date_stop_unlimited AS c__date_stop_unlimited, c.date_stop AS c__date_stop, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.filter_type AS c__filter_type, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, c.slug AS c__slug, c.version AS c__version, c.status AS c__status, c2.category_id AS c2__category_id, c2.content_id AS c2__content_id FROM content c LEFT JOIN category_content c2 ON c.id = c2.content_id WHERE (c2.category_id IN (?)) - (21) |
42 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = ? AND c.lang = ?) - (10, pl_PL) |
43 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_footer.php" |
44 | main | Call "product->executeProductsBrandMenu()" |
45 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = ? AND c.lang = ?) - (11, pl_PL) |
46 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = ? AND c.id IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) ORDER BY FIELD(c.id, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898) - (1, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898) |
47 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productsBrandMenu.php" |
48 | main | Call "product->executeProductsTypeMenu()" |
49 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT p.id AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, p.name AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.status = ? AND p.lang = ?) ORDER BY p.position ASC - (1, pl_PL) |
50 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productsTypeMenu.php" |
51 | main | Call "product->executeFilters()" |
52 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_filters.php" |
53 | main | Call "widgety->executeMainMenu()" |
54 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lang = ? AND c.level = ? AND c.is_public = ?) ORDER BY c.id ASC LIMIT 1 - (pl_PL, 0, 1) |
55 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE ((c.lft > ? AND c.rgt < ?) AND c.level <= ? AND c.root_id = ?) ORDER BY c.lft asc - (1, 84, 1, 1) |
56 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.redirect_url_internal LIKE ? AND c.lang = ?) - (@product%, pl_PL) |
57 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_mainMenu.php" |
58 | main | Call "product->executeProductsBrandMenu()" |
59 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = ? AND c.lang = ?) - (11, pl_PL) |
60 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = ? AND c.id IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) ORDER BY FIELD(c.id, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898) - (1, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898) |
61 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productsBrandMenu.php" |
62 | main | Call "product->executeProductsTypeMenu()" |
63 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT p.id AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, p.name AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.status = ? AND p.lang = ?) ORDER BY p.position ASC - (1, pl_PL) |
64 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productsTypeMenu.php" |
65 | main | Call "widgety->executeApp()" |
66 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_app.php" |
67 | main | Call "widgety->executeAdvice()" |
68 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = ? AND c.lang = ?) - (10, pl_PL) |
69 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = ? AND c.id IN (?, ?, ?)) ORDER BY FIELD(c.id, 894, 895, 896) - (1, 894, 895, 896) |
70 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_advice.php" |
71 | main | Call "home->executeCookies()" |
72 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/home/templates/_cookies.php" |
73 | sfWebResponse | Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" |
74 | sfWebResponse | Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" |
type | calls | time (ms) | time (%) |
Configuration | 23 | 60.36 | 31 |
Factories | 1 | 15.18 | 7 |
Database (Doctrine) | 18 | 0.02 | 0 |
Action "product/kubeczki" | 1 | 0.07 | 0 |
View "Success" for "product/kubeczki" | 1 | 139.55 | 73 |
Component "widgety/top" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Partial "widgety/_top" | 1 | 3.89 | 2 |
Component "lang/chooseLanguage" | 1 | 2.35 | 1 |
Partial "lang/_chooseLanguage" | 1 | 0.58 | 0 |
Component "widgety/footer" | 1 | 77.46 | 40 |
Partial "widgety/_footer" | 1 | 18.45 | 9 |
Component "product/productsBrandMenu" | 2 | 14.71 | 7 |
Partial "product/_productsBrandMenu" | 2 | 4.83 | 2 |
Component "product/productsTypeMenu" | 2 | 7.45 | 3 |
Partial "product/_productsTypeMenu" | 2 | 3.38 | 1 |
Component "product/filters" | 1 | 0.00 | 0 |
Partial "product/_filters" | 1 | 0.60 | 0 |
Component "widgety/mainMenu" | 1 | 6.56 | 3 |
Partial "widgety/_mainMenu" | 1 | 22.16 | 11 |
Component "widgety/app" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Partial "widgety/_app" | 1 | 0.21 | 0 |
Component "widgety/advice" | 1 | 4.60 | 2 |
Partial "widgety/_advice" | 1 | 0.63 | 0 |
Component "home/cookies" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Partial "home/_cookies" | 1 | 0.12 | 0 |
SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, l.country AS l__country, l.name AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = '1')
SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, l.country AS l__country, l.name AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = '1')
SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lang = 'pl_PL' AND c.type = '3') LIMIT 1
SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE ((c.lft > '64' AND c.rgt < '83') AND c.level <= '2' AND c.root_id = '1') ORDER BY c.lft asc
SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.lang AS c__lang, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.ancestor AS c__ancestor, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.image AS c__image, c.image2 AS c__image2, c.promoted AS c__promoted, c.content AS c__content, c.title AS c__title, c.content_type AS c__content_type, c.description AS c__description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.user AS c__user, c.published_by AS c__published_by, c.todo AS c__todo, c.search_keywords AS c__search_keywords, c.publish_me AS c__publish_me, c.template AS c__template, c.date_start AS c__date_start, c.date_stop_unlimited AS c__date_stop_unlimited, c.date_stop AS c__date_stop, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.filter_type AS c__filter_type, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, c.slug AS c__slug, c.version AS c__version, c.status AS c__status, c2.category_id AS c2__category_id, c2.content_id AS c2__content_id FROM content c LEFT JOIN category_content c2 ON c.id = c2.content_id WHERE (c2.category_id IN ('21'))
SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = '10' AND c.lang = 'pl_PL')
SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = '11' AND c.lang = 'pl_PL')
SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = '1' AND c.id IN ('1828', '532', '8', '2093', '1120', '468', '13', '886', '14', '9', '931', '10', '12', '887', '897', '15', '2067', '898')) ORDER BY FIELD(c.id, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898)
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SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lang = 'pl_PL' AND c.level = '0' AND c.is_public = '1') ORDER BY c.id ASC LIMIT 1
SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE ((c.lft > '1' AND c.rgt < '84') AND c.level <= '1' AND c.root_id = '1') ORDER BY c.lft asc
SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.redirect_url_internal LIKE '@product%' AND c.lang = 'pl_PL')
SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = '11' AND c.lang = 'pl_PL')
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SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = '10' AND c.lang = 'pl_PL')
SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = '1' AND c.id IN ('894', '895', '896')) ORDER BY FIELD(c.id, 894, 895, 896)