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Ćwiczenia na wybraną partię ciała powtarzaj conajmniej 3 razy w togodniu. Po 6 tygodniach powinnaś osiągnąć zamierzany efekt!
Most – połóż się na plecach, ręce ułóż wzdłuż tułowia. Ugnij kolana, a stopy oprzyj na podłożu. Unieś biodra, aż tułów i uda utworzą linię prostą. Nie opuszczając miednicy, wyprostuj prawą nogę w kolanie, stopa zadarta. Policz do 3, opuść prawą stopę na podłoże, a następnie powoli opuszczaj biodra. Przy kolejnym powtórzeniu wyprostuj kolano lewej nogi. Wykonaj 12-15 powtórzeń. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia pośladki.
Kopnięcie do tyłu – przyjmij pozycje klęku podpartego. Dłonie ustaw w jednej linii pod barkami, a kolana pod biodrami. Wciągnij brzuch. Prostuj prawą nogę w tył do wysokości biodra. Powoli wracaj do pozycji wyjściowej. Zwróć uwagę, by kręgosłup się nie wyginał. Wykonaj 15-20 powtórzeń w serii i ćwicz drugą nogą. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia pośladki i tył ud.
Unoszenie hantli – przyjmij pozycje klęku podpartego. Dłonie ustaw w jednej linii pod barkami, a kolana pod biodrami. W zgięcie prawego kolana włóż hantlę. Mocno napinając pośladki, unieś prawą nogę w tył. Zatrzymaj ruch, gdy kolano nieznacznie przekroczy wysokość biodra. Powoli opuść nogę do pozycji wyjściowej. Nie kładź kolana na podłożu – zatrzymaj je tuż nad nim. Wykonaj 12-15 powtórzeń. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia pośladki.
Brzuszki – połóż się na plecach. Ugnij kolana, pięty oprzyj na podłożu, stopy zadarte. Głowa spoczywa na dłoniach. Naciskaj piętami na podłoże. Wciągnij brzuch i oderwij od maty głowę, ręce i łopatki. Zwróć uwagę, by nie zbliżać brody do klatki piersiowej. Powoli wróć do pozycji wyjściowej. Wykonaj 20 powtórzeń w serii. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia głównie mięsień prosty brzucha
Brzuszki wersja II – połóż się na plecach, biodra i kolana ugnij do kąta prostego. Głowa spoczywa na dłoniach. Wciągnij brzuch. Oderwij od maty głowę, ręce i łopatki. Jednocześnie wyprostuj prawą nogę w kolanie, ustawiając ja pod kątem ok. 45° do podłoża. Powoli wróć do pozycji wyjściowej. Przy kolejnym powtórzeniu wyprostuj lewą nogę. Wykonaj 20 powtórzeń w serii, prostując kolana na przemian. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia głównie mięsień prosty brzucha.
Brzuszki wersja III – weź 1 (1-3 kg) lub 2 hantle (1-3 każdy) i usiądź na macie. Ugnij kolana, pięty oprzyj na podłożu, stopy zadarte. Ręce z hantlą (hantlami) zbliż do klatki piersiowej. Wciągnij brzuch, ściągnij łopatki. Powoli opuszczaj tułów do leżenia, kładąc kręgosłup krąg po kręgu. Jednocześnie naciskaj piętami na podłoże. Unieś tułów do siadu. Wykonaj 15-20 powtórzeń w serii. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia głównie mięsień prosty brzucha.
Prostowanie łokcia na siedząco – weź hantlę do prawej ręki (2-4 kg) i usiądź na macie w siadzie skrzyżnym. Unieś pionowo rękę z hantlą, dłoń odwrócona grzbietem na zewnątrz. Lewą dłoń oprzyj tuż poniżej prawego łokcia. Ugnij prawy łokieć, opuszczając hantlę w tył w kierunku łopatki. Nie poruszając prawym ramieniem, wyprostuj łokieć, unosząc hantlę. Powoli ugnij łokieć, wracając do pozycji wyjściowej. Wykonaj 12-15 powtórzeń w serii i ćwicz drugą ręką. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia tylne strony ramion.
Prostowanie łokcia w klęku podpartym – weź hantlę do prawej ręki (2-4 kg) i przyjmij pozycję klęku podpartego. Lewa dłoń w jednej linii pod barkiem, a kolana pod biodrami. Ugięty do kąta prostego prawy łokieć przyciśnij do talii. Przedramię i dłoń z hantlą ustaw pionowo w dół. Wyprostuj łokieć, unosząc hantlę w tył. Zwróć uwagę, by w tym czasie łokieć nie zmienił położenia. Powoli ugnij łokieć i wróć do pozycji wyjściowej. Wykonaj 12-15 powtórzeń w serii i powtórz drugą ręką. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia tylne strony ramion.
Pompka – wykonaj klęk podparty, a następnie przestaw ręce do przodu o 20-30 cm. Rozstawione na szerokość barków ręce powinny znajdować się w jednej linii pod barkami. Dłonie skieruj palcami do przodu. W takim ustawieniu ciała kąt ugięcia kolan zmieni się z prostego na rozwarty. Powoli ugnij łokcie, prowadząc je jak najbliżej tułowia. Aby ćwiczenie wykonać poprawnie, nie opuszczaj tułowia pionowo w dół, ale do przodu. Zatrzymaj ruch, gdy klatka piersiowa zbliży się do maty. Wyprostuj łokcie i wróć do pozycji wyjściowej. Wykonaj 12-15 powtórzeń w serii. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia tylne strony ramion.
Rozkrok w podporze – zrób klęk podparty, a następnie wyprostuj nogi w tył tak, by ciężar ciała spoczywał jedynie na dłoniach i przodach stóp. Kolana wyprostowane, ale nie zablokowane. Złączone nogi, tułów i głowa tworzą linię prostą. Wykonując małe kroczki w bok, raz jedną raz drugą nogą, przejdź do rozkroku. Złącz nogi, zbliżając je do siebie małymi kroczkami. Wykonaj 6-8 powtórzeń w serii. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia: mięśnie klatki piersiowej, brzucha, pleców oraz pośladki i tyły ud.
Gwiazda – przyjmij pozycję klęku podpartego. Dłonie w jednej linii pod barkami, a kolana pod biodrami. Wyprostuj prawą nogę w tył i podeprzyj ją na czubku buta. Następnie przenieś ciężar ciała na lewe kolano i lewą dłoń. Prawą rękę oderwij od maty i obracając tułów w prawo, unieś wyprostowaną rękę. Dodatkowo unieś prawą nogę w bok do wysokości biodra. Policz do 5 i odwracając kolejność ruchów, wróć do pozycji wyjściowej. Wykonaj 8-10 powtórzeń w serii. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia: mięśnie pleców, brzucha i bioder.
Spirala – zrób klęk podparty. Następnie wyprostuj nogi w tył tak, by ciężar ciała spoczął jedynie na dłoniach i przodach stóp, kolana wyprostowane, ale nie zablokowane. Złączone nogi, tułów i głowa tworzą linię prostą. Oderwij lewą stopę od podłoża i uginając lewe kolano, zbliż je pod tułowiem do prawego łokcia. Cofnij nogę do pozycji wyjściowej. Wykonaj 8-10 powtórzeń w serii i powtórz drugą nogą. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia: mięśnie klatki piersiowej, brzucha, pleców oraz pośladki i tyły ud.
Nóż – połóż się na lewym boku. Tułów podeprzyj na lewym przedramieniu, prawą dłoń połóż przed tułowiem. Lewa noga stanowi przedłużenie tułowia. Prawą nogę ugnij w kolanie, a stopę postaw przed lewym kolanem. Unieś lewą nogę. Zwróć uwagę, by prawe biodro nie opadało do tyłu. Powoli opuść nogę. Wykonaj 12-15 powtórzeń w serii i ćwicz drugą nogą. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia: mięśnie wewnętrznych i bocznych stron ud oraz bioder.
Nożyce – połóż się na lewym boku. Tułów podeprzyj na lewym przedramieniu, prawą dłoń połóż przed tułowiem. Wyprostowane nogi są przedłużeniem tułowia. Wciągnij brzuch. Unieś prawą nogę tyle, by biodra nie zmieniły ustawienia (cały czas powinnaś leżeć na lewym biodrze, nie na pośladku). Następnie unieś lewą nogę ok. 15 cm nad podłoże. Powoli wróć do pozycji wyjściowej, odwracając kolejność ruchów. Wykonaj 10-12 powtórzeń i ćwicz na drugim boku. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia: mięśnie wewnętrznych i bocznych stron ud oraz bioder.
Wahadło – połóż się na lewym boku. Tułów podeprzyj na lewym przedramieniu, prawą dłoń połóż przed tułowiem. Wyprostowane nogi stanowią przedłużenie tułowia. Wciągnij brzuch. Unieś złączone nogi. Cały czas powinnaś leżeć na lewym biodrze, nie na pośladku. Powoli opuść nogi na podłogę. Wykonaj 10-12 powtórzeń i ćwicz na drugim boku. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia: mięśnie wewnętrznych i bocznych stron ud oraz bioder; dodatkowo mięśnie pleców i brzucha.
Półprzysiady – weź hantle i stań w rozkroku nieco szerszym niż na szerokość bioder. Czubki butów skieruj lekko na zewnątrz. Dłonie z hantlami oprzyj na biodrach. Wciągnij brzuch, ściągnij łopatki. Ugnij kolana i wykonaj półprzysiad. Zwróć uwagę, by kolana nie wystawały przed linię czubków butów i nie były skierowane do środka. Wytrzymaj, licząc do 5. Powoli wyprostuj kolana. Wykonaj 15 powtórzeń w serii. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia przednie strony ud.
Wypady w bok – weź hantle i stań w rozkroku nieco szerszym niż na szerokość bioder. Ręce z hantlami opuść swobodnie wzdłuż tułowia. Wciągnij brzuch, ściągnij łopatki. Wykonaj wypad lewą nogą w bok. Ugnij lewe kolano do półprzysiadu, prawe kolano wyprostowane. Jednocześnie ugnij łokcie, zbliżając hantle do barków. Odbijając się lewą nogą, wróć do pozycji wyjściowej i powoli wyprostuj łokcie. Wykonaj 12-15 powtórzeń w serii i ćwicz wypady w prawo. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia: przednie i wewnętrzne strony ud, łydki oraz pośladki i przednie strony ramion.
Wypady w przód – weź hantle i stań w rozkroku nieco szerszym niż na szerokość bioder. Ręce z hantlami opuść swobodnie wzdłuż tułowia. Wciągnij brzuch, ściągnij łopatki. Wykonaj wypad lewą nogą w przód. Jednocześnie ugnij łokcie, zbliżając dłonie z hantlami do barków. Następnie ugnij lewe kolano, aby znalazło się w jednej linii nad kostką, a prawe nad podłożem, prawa pięta uniesiona. Nie pochylaj tułowia do przodu. Wyprostuj ręce nad głową. Odwracając kolejność ruchów, wróć do pozycji wyjściowej. Wykonaj 12-15 powtórzeń w serii i ćwicz wypady prawą nogą. Ćwiczenie ujędrnia: przednie strony ud, łydki, przednie strony ramion, mięśnie naramienne i górnej części pleców.
Na opakowaniach produktów, takich jak podpaski, wkładki higieniczne, tampony możecie zauważyć oznakowanie:
Ma ono w jasny sposób wskazywać, gdzie powinny trafiać zużyte wyroby higieniczne oraz obrazować jakie konsekwencje niesie ze sobą ich nieprawidłowa utylizacja.
Dzięki odpowiedniej segregacji przyczyniamy się do zmniejszenia ilości odpadów produktów higienicznych wyrzucanych do toalet i w konsekwencji trafiających do mórz i oceanów.
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źródła informacji:
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cookie: { } env: { } files: { } get: { } post: { } server: DOCUMENT_ROOT: /var/www/bella-2020/web GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1 HTTPS: on HTTP_ACCEPT: '*/*' HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate' HTTP_HOST: HTTP_USER_AGENT: 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;' PATH: '/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin' PATH_INFO: /pl_PL/content/trening-dla-zgrabnej-sylwetki PATH_TRANSLATED: 'redirect:/index.php/content/trening-dla-zgrabnej-sylwetki' PHP_SELF: /dev.php/pl_PL/content/trening-dla-zgrabnej-sylwetki QUERY_STRING: '' REMOTE_ADDR: REMOTE_PORT: '54287' REQUEST_METHOD: GET REQUEST_TIME: 1734868655 REQUEST_URI: /dev.php/pl_PL/content/trening-dla-zgrabnej-sylwetki SCRIPT_FILENAME: /var/www/bella-2020/web/dev.php SCRIPT_NAME: /dev.php SERVER_ADDR: SERVER_ADMIN: root@localhost SERVER_NAME: SERVER_PORT: '443' SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1 SERVER_SIGNATURE: "<address>Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) Server at Port 443</address>\n" SERVER_SOFTWARE: 'Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)' SSL_CIPHER: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 SSL_CIPHER_ALGKEYSIZE: '256' SSL_CIPHER_EXPORT: 'false' SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZE: '256' SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY: NONE SSL_COMPRESS_METHOD: 'NULL' SSL_PROTOCOL: TLSv1.2 SSL_SECURE_RENEG: 'true' SSL_SERVER_A_KEY: rsaEncryption SSL_SERVER_A_SIG: sha256WithRSAEncryption SSL_SERVER_I_DN: '/C=US/O=Let''s Encrypt/CN=R11' SSL_SERVER_I_DN_C: US SSL_SERVER_I_DN_CN: R11 SSL_SERVER_I_DN_O: 'Let''s Encrypt' SSL_SERVER_M_SERIAL: 03A5A4B73248285EA1357F2364AF3CCD2AC8 SSL_SERVER_M_VERSION: '3' SSL_SERVER_S_DN: / SSL_SERVER_S_DN_CN: SSL_SERVER_V_END: 'Feb 16 09:06:35 2025 GMT' SSL_SERVER_V_START: 'Nov 18 09:06:36 2024 GMT' SSL_TLS_SNI: SSL_VERSION_INTERFACE: mod_ssl/2.2.15 SSL_VERSION_LIBRARY: OpenSSL/1.0.1e-fips session: { }
php: 5.3.3 os: 'Linux 2.6.32-696.10.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Sep 12 14:33:29 UTC 2017 x86_64' extensions: 26: apache2handler 27: 'apc (3.1.9)' 7: bz2 8: calendar 0: 'Core (5.3.3)' 9: ctype 28: curl 1: 'date (5.3.3)' 29: 'dom (20031129)' 2: ereg 23: 'exif (1.4 $Id: exif.c 293036 2010-01-03 09:23:27Z sebastian $)' 30: 'fileinfo (1.0.5-dev)' 11: 'filter (0.11.0)' 12: ftp 31: gd 13: gettext 14: gmp 10: 'hash (1.0)' 16: iconv 32: imap 33: 'json (1.2.1)' 34: ldap 3: libxml 35: mbstring 36: mcrypt 37: 'mysql (1.0)' 38: 'mysqli (0.1)' 39: 'odbc (1.0)' 4: openssl 5: pcre 40: 'PDO (1.0.4dev)' 41: 'pdo_mysql (1.0.2)' 42: 'PDO_ODBC (1.0.1)' 43: 'pdo_sqlite (1.0.1)' 44: 'Phar (2.0.1)' 17: 'Reflection ($Revision: 300393 $)' 18: session 20: shmop 21: 'SimpleXML (0.1)' 45: snmp 46: soap 22: sockets 15: 'SPL (0.2)' 47: 'sqlite3 (0.7-dev)' 19: 'standard (5.3.3)' 48: 'tidy (2.0)' 24: 'tokenizer (0.1)' 49: wddx 25: xml 50: 'xmlreader (0.1)' 51: 'xmlrpc (0.51)' 52: 'xmlwriter (0.1)' 53: 'xsl (0.1)' 54: 'zip (1.9.1)' 6: 'zlib (1.1)'
version: 1.4.11 path: /var/www/bella-2020/lib/vendor/symfony/lib
(Doctrine_Collection)No parameters were passed to this template.
(string)# | type | message |
1 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_signin" (/guard/login) |
2 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_signout" (/guard/logout) |
3 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_filter" (/guard/users/filter.:sf_format) |
4 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_batch" (/guard/users/batch.:sf_format) |
5 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user" (/guard/users.:sf_format) |
6 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_new" (/guard/users/new.:sf_format) |
7 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_create" (/guard/users.:sf_format) |
8 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_edit" (/guard/users/:id/edit.:sf_format) |
9 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_update" (/guard/users/:id.:sf_format) |
10 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_delete" (/guard/users/:id.:sf_format) |
11 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_show" (/guard/users/:id.:sf_format) |
12 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_object" (/guard/users/:id/:action.:sf_format) |
13 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_collection" (/guard/users/:action/action.:sf_format) |
14 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_forgot_password" (/guard/forgot_password) |
15 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_forgot_password_change" (/guard/forgot_password/:unique_key) |
16 | sfPatternRouting | Match route "content" (/:sf_culture/content/:slug) for /pl_PL/content/trening-dla-zgrabnej-sylwetki with parameters array ( 'module' => 'content', 'action' => 'show', 'sf_culture' => 'pl_PL', 'slug' => 'trening-dla-zgrabnej-sylwetki',) |
17 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" |
18 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "SwitchLanguageFilter" |
19 | Doctrine_Connection_Mysql | exec : SET NAMES 'UTF8' - () |
20 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, AS l__country, AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = ?) - (1) |
21 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" |
22 | contentActions | Call "contentActions->executeShow()" |
23 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, c.lang AS c__lang, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.ancestor AS c__ancestor, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.image AS c__image, c.image2 AS c__image2, c.promoted AS c__promoted, c.content AS c__content, c.title AS c__title, c.content_type AS c__content_type, c.description AS c__description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.user AS c__user, c.published_by AS c__published_by, c.todo AS c__todo, c.search_keywords AS c__search_keywords, c.publish_me AS c__publish_me, c.template AS c__template, c.date_start AS c__date_start, c.date_stop_unlimited AS c__date_stop_unlimited, c.date_stop AS c__date_stop, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.filter_type AS c__filter_type, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, c.slug AS c__slug, c.version AS c__version, c.status AS c__status FROM content c WHERE (c.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (trening-dla-zgrabnej-sylwetki) |
24 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, c.lang AS c__lang, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.ancestor AS c__ancestor, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.image AS c__image, c.image2 AS c__image2, c.promoted AS c__promoted, c.content AS c__content, c.title AS c__title, c.content_type AS c__content_type, c.description AS c__description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.user AS c__user, c.published_by AS c__published_by, c.todo AS c__todo, c.search_keywords AS c__search_keywords, c.publish_me AS c__publish_me, c.template AS c__template, c.date_start AS c__date_start, c.date_stop_unlimited AS c__date_stop_unlimited, c.date_stop AS c__date_stop, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.filter_type AS c__filter_type, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, c.slug AS c__slug, c.version AS c__version, c.public_at AS c__public_at FROM content_public c WHERE ( = ?) LIMIT 1 - (3) |
25 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, AS l__country, AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = ?) - (1) |
26 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM sf_asset s WHERE ( = ?) LIMIT 1 - (551) |
27 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, c2.category_id AS c2__category_id, c2.content_id AS c2__content_id FROM category c LEFT JOIN category_content c2 ON = c2.category_id WHERE (c2.content_id IN (?)) - (3) |
28 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lft < ? AND c.level = ? AND c.lang = ?) ORDER BY c.lft DESC LIMIT 1 - (57, 1, pl_PL) |
29 | sfPHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/content/templates/showSuccess.php" |
30 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, c.content_id AS c__content_id, c.sf_asset_id AS c__sf_asset_id, c.sort_order AS c__sort_order FROM sf_asset s INNER JOIN content_minigal c ON ( = c.sf_asset_id) WHERE (c.content_id = ?) ORDER BY c.sort_order ASC - (3) |
31 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/content/templates/_minigal.php" |
32 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, c.content_id AS c__content_id, c.sf_asset_id AS c__sf_asset_id, c.sort_order AS c__sort_order FROM sf_asset s INNER JOIN content_minigal c ON ( = c.sf_asset_id) WHERE (c.content_id = ?) ORDER BY c.sort_order ASC - (3) |
33 | main | Call "widgety->executeAdvice()" |
34 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = ? AND c.lang = ?) - (10, pl_PL) |
35 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = ? AND IN (?, ?, ?)) ORDER BY FIELD(, 894, 895, 896) - (1, 894, 895, 896) |
36 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_advice.php" |
37 | sfPHPView | Decorate content with "sf_app_dir/templates/layout.php" |
38 | sfPHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/layout.php" |
39 | main | Get slot "og:url" |
40 | main | Get slot "og:title" |
41 | main | Get slot "og:image" |
42 | main | Get slot "og:image:width" |
43 | main | Get slot "og:image:height" |
44 | main | Get slot "og:description" |
45 | main | Call "cookies->executeStatisticCookies()" |
46 | main | Call "cookies->executeMarketingCookies()" |
47 | main | Call "cookies->executePersonalizationCookies()" |
48 | main | Call "cookies->executeStatisticCookiesInBody()" |
49 | main | Call "cookies->executeMarketingCookiesInBody()" |
50 | main | Call "widgety->executeTop()" |
51 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_top.php" |
52 | main | Call "lang->executeChooseLanguage()" |
53 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, AS l__country, AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = ?) - (1) |
54 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/lang/templates/_chooseLanguage.php" |
55 | main | Call "widgety->executeFooter()" |
56 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lang = ? AND c.type = ?) LIMIT 1 - (pl_PL, 3) |
57 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE ((c.lft > ? AND c.rgt < ?) AND c.level <= ? AND c.root_id = ?) ORDER BY c.lft asc - (64, 83, 2, 1) |
58 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, c.lang AS c__lang, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.ancestor AS c__ancestor, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.image AS c__image, c.image2 AS c__image2, c.promoted AS c__promoted, c.content AS c__content, c.title AS c__title, c.content_type AS c__content_type, c.description AS c__description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.user AS c__user, c.published_by AS c__published_by, c.todo AS c__todo, c.search_keywords AS c__search_keywords, c.publish_me AS c__publish_me, c.template AS c__template, c.date_start AS c__date_start, c.date_stop_unlimited AS c__date_stop_unlimited, c.date_stop AS c__date_stop, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.filter_type AS c__filter_type, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, c.slug AS c__slug, c.version AS c__version, c.status AS c__status, c2.category_id AS c2__category_id, c2.content_id AS c2__content_id FROM content c LEFT JOIN category_content c2 ON = c2.content_id WHERE (c2.category_id IN (?)) - (21) |
59 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = ? AND c.lang = ?) - (10, pl_PL) |
60 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_footer.php" |
61 | main | Call "product->executeProductsBrandMenu()" |
62 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = ? AND c.lang = ?) - (11, pl_PL) |
63 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = ? AND IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) ORDER BY FIELD(, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898) - (1, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898) |
64 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productsBrandMenu.php" |
65 | main | Call "product->executeProductsTypeMenu()" |
66 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.status = ? AND p.lang = ?) ORDER BY p.position ASC - (1, pl_PL) |
67 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productsTypeMenu.php" |
68 | main | Call "product->executeFilters()" |
69 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_filters.php" |
70 | main | Call "widgety->executeMainMenu()" |
71 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lang = ? AND c.level = ? AND c.is_public = ?) ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1 - (pl_PL, 0, 1) |
72 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE ((c.lft > ? AND c.rgt < ?) AND c.level <= ? AND c.root_id = ?) ORDER BY c.lft asc - (1, 84, 1, 1) |
73 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (trening-dla-zgrabnej-sylwetki) |
74 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.redirect_url_internal LIKE ? AND c.lang = ?) - (@content%, pl_PL) |
75 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_mainMenu.php" |
76 | main | Call "product->executeProductsBrandMenu()" |
77 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = ? AND c.lang = ?) - (11, pl_PL) |
78 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = ? AND IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) ORDER BY FIELD(, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898) - (1, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898) |
79 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productsBrandMenu.php" |
80 | main | Call "product->executeProductsTypeMenu()" |
81 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.status = ? AND p.lang = ?) ORDER BY p.position ASC - (1, pl_PL) |
82 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_productsTypeMenu.php" |
83 | main | Call "widgety->executeApp()" |
84 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_app.php" |
85 | main | Call "widgety->executeAdvice()" |
86 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = ? AND c.lang = ?) - (10, pl_PL) |
87 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = ? AND IN (?, ?, ?)) ORDER BY FIELD(, 894, 895, 896) - (1, 894, 895, 896) |
88 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_advice.php" |
89 | main | Call "home->executeCookies()" |
90 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/home/templates/_cookies.php" |
91 | main | Call "cookies->executePopup()" |
92 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/cookies/templates/_popup.php" |
93 | main | Get slot "legal-info-footer" |
94 | sfWebResponse | Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" |
95 | sfWebResponse | Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" |
type | calls | time (ms) | time (%) |
Configuration | 30 | 66.12 | 29 |
Factories | 1 | 18.70 | 8 |
Database (Doctrine) | 29 | 0.03 | 0 |
Action "content/show" | 1 | 99.42 | 43 |
View "Success" for "content/show" | 1 | 74.43 | 32 |
Partial "content/_minigal" | 1 | 1.15 | 0 |
Component "widgety/advice" | 2 | 8.07 | 3 |
Partial "widgety/_advice" | 2 | 2.91 | 1 |
Component "cookies/statisticCookies" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Component "cookies/marketingCookies" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Component "cookies/personalizationCookies" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Component "cookies/statisticCookiesInBody" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Component "cookies/marketingCookiesInBody" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Component "widgety/top" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Partial "widgety/_top" | 1 | 2.79 | 1 |
Component "lang/chooseLanguage" | 1 | 1.74 | 0 |
Partial "lang/_chooseLanguage" | 1 | 0.43 | 0 |
Component "widgety/footer" | 1 | 8.98 | 3 |
Partial "widgety/_footer" | 1 | 18.29 | 8 |
Component "product/productsBrandMenu" | 2 | 13.98 | 6 |
Partial "product/_productsBrandMenu" | 2 | 4.50 | 1 |
Component "product/productsTypeMenu" | 2 | 7.62 | 3 |
Partial "product/_productsTypeMenu" | 2 | 3.15 | 1 |
Component "product/filters" | 1 | 0.00 | 0 |
Partial "product/_filters" | 1 | 0.58 | 0 |
Component "widgety/mainMenu" | 1 | 8.72 | 3 |
Partial "widgety/_mainMenu" | 1 | 20.06 | 8 |
Component "widgety/app" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Partial "widgety/_app" | 1 | 0.20 | 0 |
Component "home/cookies" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Partial "home/_cookies" | 1 | 0.14 | 0 |
Component "cookies/popup" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Partial "cookies/_popup" | 1 | 0.35 | 0 |
SELECT AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, AS l__country, AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = '1')
SELECT AS c__id, c.lang AS c__lang, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.ancestor AS c__ancestor, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.image AS c__image, c.image2 AS c__image2, c.promoted AS c__promoted, c.content AS c__content, c.title AS c__title, c.content_type AS c__content_type, c.description AS c__description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.user AS c__user, c.published_by AS c__published_by, c.todo AS c__todo, c.search_keywords AS c__search_keywords, c.publish_me AS c__publish_me, c.template AS c__template, c.date_start AS c__date_start, c.date_stop_unlimited AS c__date_stop_unlimited, c.date_stop AS c__date_stop, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.filter_type AS c__filter_type, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, c.slug AS c__slug, c.version AS c__version, c.status AS c__status FROM content c WHERE (c.slug = 'trening-dla-zgrabnej-sylwetki') LIMIT 1
SELECT AS c__id, c.lang AS c__lang, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.ancestor AS c__ancestor, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.image AS c__image, c.image2 AS c__image2, c.promoted AS c__promoted, c.content AS c__content, c.title AS c__title, c.content_type AS c__content_type, c.description AS c__description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.user AS c__user, c.published_by AS c__published_by, c.todo AS c__todo, c.search_keywords AS c__search_keywords, c.publish_me AS c__publish_me, c.template AS c__template, c.date_start AS c__date_start, c.date_stop_unlimited AS c__date_stop_unlimited, c.date_stop AS c__date_stop, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.filter_type AS c__filter_type, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, c.slug AS c__slug, c.version AS c__version, c.public_at AS c__public_at FROM content_public c WHERE ( = '3') LIMIT 1
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SELECT AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM sf_asset s WHERE ( = '551') LIMIT 1
SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, c2.category_id AS c2__category_id, c2.content_id AS c2__content_id FROM category c LEFT JOIN category_content c2 ON = c2.category_id WHERE (c2.content_id IN ('3'))
SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lft < '57' AND c.level = '1' AND c.lang = 'pl_PL') ORDER BY c.lft DESC LIMIT 1
SELECT AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, c.content_id AS c__content_id, c.sf_asset_id AS c__sf_asset_id, c.sort_order AS c__sort_order FROM sf_asset s INNER JOIN content_minigal c ON ( = c.sf_asset_id) WHERE (c.content_id = '3') ORDER BY c.sort_order ASC
SELECT AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, c.content_id AS c__content_id, c.sf_asset_id AS c__sf_asset_id, c.sort_order AS c__sort_order FROM sf_asset s INNER JOIN content_minigal c ON ( = c.sf_asset_id) WHERE (c.content_id = '3') ORDER BY c.sort_order ASC
SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = '10' AND c.lang = 'pl_PL')
SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = '1' AND IN ('894', '895', '896')) ORDER BY FIELD(, 894, 895, 896)
SELECT AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, AS l__country, AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = '1')
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SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE ((c.lft > '64' AND c.rgt < '83') AND c.level <= '2' AND c.root_id = '1') ORDER BY c.lft asc
SELECT AS c__id, c.lang AS c__lang, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.ancestor AS c__ancestor, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.image AS c__image, c.image2 AS c__image2, c.promoted AS c__promoted, c.content AS c__content, c.title AS c__title, c.content_type AS c__content_type, c.description AS c__description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.user AS c__user, c.published_by AS c__published_by, c.todo AS c__todo, c.search_keywords AS c__search_keywords, c.publish_me AS c__publish_me, c.template AS c__template, c.date_start AS c__date_start, c.date_stop_unlimited AS c__date_stop_unlimited, c.date_stop AS c__date_stop, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.filter_type AS c__filter_type, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, c.slug AS c__slug, c.version AS c__version, c.status AS c__status, c2.category_id AS c2__category_id, c2.content_id AS c2__content_id FROM content c LEFT JOIN category_content c2 ON = c2.content_id WHERE (c2.category_id IN ('21'))
SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = '10' AND c.lang = 'pl_PL')
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SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = '1' AND IN ('1828', '532', '8', '2093', '1120', '468', '13', '886', '14', '9', '931', '10', '12', '887', '897', '15', '2067', '898')) ORDER BY FIELD(, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898)
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SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lang = 'pl_PL' AND c.level = '0' AND c.is_public = '1') ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1
SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE ((c.lft > '1' AND c.rgt < '84') AND c.level <= '1' AND c.root_id = '1') ORDER BY c.lft asc
SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.slug = 'trening-dla-zgrabnej-sylwetki') LIMIT 1
SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.redirect_url_internal LIKE '@content%' AND c.lang = 'pl_PL')
SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = '11' AND c.lang = 'pl_PL')
SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = '1' AND IN ('1828', '532', '8', '2093', '1120', '468', '13', '886', '14', '9', '931', '10', '12', '887', '897', '15', '2067', '898')) ORDER BY FIELD(, 1828, 532, 8, 2093, 1120, 468, 13, 886, 14, 9, 931, 10, 12, 887, 897, 15, 2067, 898)
SELECT AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, AS p__name, p.description AS p__description, p.image AS p__image, p.smallimage AS p__smallimage, p.position AS p__position, p.status AS p__status, p.seo_title AS p__seo_title, p.seo_description AS p__seo_description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.font_color AS p__font_color, p.comparison_type AS p__comparison_type, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.translation_needed AS p__translation_needed, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product_type p WHERE (p.status = '1' AND p.lang = 'pl_PL') ORDER BY p.position ASC
SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.type = '10' AND c.lang = 'pl_PL')
SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.is_secure AS c__is_secure, c.in_mobile AS c__in_mobile, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.show_in_sub_menu AS c__show_in_sub_menu, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.graphic_character AS c__graphic_character, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.logo_big AS c__logo_big, c.brand_footer_text AS c__brand_footer_text, c.brand_footer_img AS c__brand_footer_img, c.sub_web_a AS c__sub_web_a, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.translation_needed AS c__translation_needed, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.is_public = '1' AND IN ('894', '895', '896')) ORDER BY FIELD(, 894, 895, 896)